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Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.....

Me and my baby on the first date!

These were taken the day i picked up the car.

Brothers in love

The last day of the 12A, you gotta do it!!

This is not a often seen view in peoples rear view mirrors!

Getting ready to go to Eastern creek...... It rained when we got there...

808 diff front, 9 inch rear.....BBBIIIIIGG difference!!!!

last day of the 12A

Tonys RX3

Tony's RX3 doing what its supposed to do.

Testing after tuneing at webbys

And some more

The final bit before Petes girlfriend slaped him!!!!!

Tony on the way to another 10 sec run

Uncle Felix, your a legend!

New wheels, new cooler, new paint, new interior.......... cant wait for everyone to see it!

Everyone says the scoop is too im airbrushing flames on it so it stands out more!